The Asian Business League of San Francisco's (ABL-SF) inaugural Corporate Asian Leadership Program (CALP) based off our popular leadership program You are the CEO of You took place from April 23 to June 18, 2015. This bi-weekly, five-part seminar series has been uniquely developed for the men and women of APSIRE at MUFG Union Bank. Each session is carefully designed to provide an intimate learning environment for participants - to explore concepts and acquire skills necessary for professional and personal success. Each session was followed by small group breakout sessions led by Michael Lee and Mei Ling Yiu.
Buck Gee, Executive advisor to Ascend and retired Cisco Systems' Vice President and General Manager of the Data Center Business Unit, kicked off the first session and spoke passionately about the challenges of being an Asian American leader. During the second session on May 7, Eugene Lee, Entrepreneur In Residence at Artiman Ventures, eloquently discussed the differences between being a leader vs. a manager. In the third session, participants learned how to effectively communicate as a leader with Miriam Lopez, Global Diversity Advisory for Chevron on May 21. Marina Sarmiento Feehan, Founder of Positive Counsel, spoke about "Personal Branding in the Digital Age" during session 4 on June 4.
For photos from the sessions, click here.
If your company is interested in having ABL-SF produce CALP for at least 15 your employees, please contact Angela Pang at [email protected] or (415) 691-7264 for more details.